• Pros and cons of Twitter verification


Robyn Hardman, Digital Consultant

Robyn Hardman, Digital Consultant

Blue Ticks for All? Twitter’s Verification Process Gets Blown Open

Finally – we could all have a little blue verified tick displayed proudly by our username on Twitter! But is being verified all it’s cracked up to be?

Ever stared wistfully at a celebrity Twitter profile or another business’s feed and wondered ‘when do I get my blue tick’? We know we have! Well, the dream could become a reality very soon – Twitter is now allowing accounts to apply for verification. But is being verified worth the effort?

Initially, it was believed that everyone could be verified and, with it, could make use of the few select Twitter tools that only verified users have. However, as various blogs and sites have proved, anyone can apply but not everyone will be approved.

It’s not a quick process either. In order to prove that you’re worthy of the blue tick, your account profile will need to be totally complete, including a phone number and address, and you’ll need to provide two URLs that display who you are and why you might be interesting to the Twittersphere. You’ll also need to give Twitter a brief overview of why you think you should be verified – and then wait for Twitter to give you the go-ahead (or not).

Twitter have stated that their mission is to allow ‘creators and influencers’ to be found more easily by using verification, and if you’re an industry expert or thought leader, then this third-party endorsement could be invaluable at showing just how knowledgeable you are about your given topic and, therefore, well worth the hassle.

As an aside, it’s also giving brands a big opportunity to demonstrate their value. Although it hasn’t been crucial for brands to be verified up to this point, verification proves that the account in question is the official one for that business. As customer service is such a heavy part of social media these days, the verified badge shows customers that they can trust your account, and means that your responses carry more weight.

That said, there’s no point in applying for verification if you don’t use Twitter actively enough – followers will use the verification tick as an assurance of quality and availability, and Twitter won’t award that coveted blue badge to any brands that aren’t giving that impression.

To make the most out of verification, you need to make the most out of Twitter. There’s no need to be a Twitter celebrity – not all of us are going to have the power to break the internet Kardashian-style! – but by actively engaging with your followers and posting frequent, relevant content that keeps your feed fresh and interesting, you’ll at least be a star in our eyes.

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# Twitter, Social Media